
22 Years of “Cultivating” The Chinese Market,
Creating Super Cases Every Year

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What is the Hua & Hua Method?

The Hua & Hua Method is a set of business philosophies, corporate strategies and marketing communication methods that allow companies to avoid detours. With the Super Sign Theory and the Trinity of Strategy, Marketing and Branding solutions (everything is the same thing), we help our clients to become the leading brands in their respective industries with a sincere and thorough approach.

Build a super brand, sign up for the "Hua & Hua Five-Year Branding Plan"

Hua & Hua utilises the "Five-Year Branding Plan" as a combination of our basic services, providing enterprises with Full Year All-Round services which include corporate strategy, brand strategy, brand design, product development, packaging design, creative advertising, brand equity management, and more. This is divided into 3 phases: Phase 1: Brand Foundation Year, focusing on establishing creative Super Signs to build brand equity and continuously improve sales performance. Phase 2: Marketing Calendar Year, establishing a marketing calendar and forming a brand biological clock to achieve leadership in productivity and brand culture. Phase 3: Social Citizenship Year, helping enterprises become industry leaders and establishing a solid foundation for the brand, creating long-term brand equity.

The Service Model of Hua & Hua:
Full Year All-round Marketing Consultancy Services

There is only one service model provided by Hua & Hua, which is Full Year All-round Marketing Consultancy Services to our clients.

We uphold the working philosophy of "everything is the same thing" and provide our clients a full range of services which include strategic, marketing and branding within the same system. From creating a TV advertisement to designing a product packaging, we take a holistic approach from a top-level design perspective. Therefore, we do not offer single module services.… More

For more effective business communication, we recommend that you:

1. Prepare the basic information about your business and the objectives you would like to achieve from our consultation.

2. Call Hua & Hua at+8621 5236 0827(SH)<br/> +65 8506 8642(SG) on weekdays between 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-18:00

3. Please leave your contact details during the call so that our project director can call you back to further discuss the details and arrange follow-up meetings.

Hua & Hua Values
Business Mission
Guide Enterprises Avoid Detours
Core Values
No Fraud, No Greed, No Slacking
Enterprise Spirit
Integrity, Sincerity, Competence
Business Philosophy
Please The Near And The Far One Comes. Lifelong Service




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